our projects


Serving Life:

ReVisioning Justice

SERVING LIFE: ReVisioning Justice

SERVING LIFE is a community call and response between public audiences and the most hidden members of our society.  Since 2013, Hidden Voices has collaborated with men on death rows across the country to envision a multi-arts project able to generate the civic will to revision justice.  By challenging our assumptions about guilt and innocence and by providing a vehicle for the public to connect with the actual lives hidden within an impenetrable system, we reinvigorate some fundamental questions.  Who is innocent?  Who is harmed?  How do we heal centuries of oppression?  What needs to change for our criminal justice system to reflect a community dedicated to equity and inclusion?


we are here


#WeAreHere campaign is the first in a series of student-led initiatives by Hidden Voices to end sexual violence on campus. 1 in 4 women will suffer from sexual victimization during their college years. 1 in 7 men will experience severe intimate partner violence. We believe that victims deserve a strong support system from their peers and their administrators. We believe that everyone deserves to be heard and feel safe on their campus. We want to end sexual and domestic victimization. We support the victims. 



Bridging the Military-Civilian Divide

AT EASE: Bridging the Military-Civilian Divide

At Ease, our project with military service members and their families. Over the past few years, we've had the privilege and pleasure of working with several hundred folks, sharing conversation, creating "care packages" to share something they care about others understanding, letters based on these words: "You have no idea," and portraits. For the portraits, we asked women veterans what part of their bodies they most associated with their service and then recorded their responses through photography and audio. This is a photo of a Navy seabee, who spoke about her feet and her identity as a Laotian woman. This care package was addressed To: Combat Female Veterans From: The One Now Visible. And the letter, well, just read it.



Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline

NONE OF THE ABOVE: Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline

None of the Above is a 3-year interdisciplinary, multimedia collaboration examining the intersection of race, poverty, education, and incarceration known as the “school-to-prison pipeline.” This community-based project investigates the school-to-prison pipeline from the multiple viewpoints of those caught in its pathway: students, teachers, administrators, school police officers, attorneys, juvenile justice officials, inmates and others.