Has Seven Letters

Funny and poignant, R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Has Seven Letters deals with the struggle to survive in a literate world and the power of accessing the written word for one’s own.These performers share their triumphs, failures, and life stories in a show that sheds a whole new light on the phrase “continuing education.”

Set on an unnamed island and underscored by live music, the show unveils a world seldom experienced by the lifelong literate. In this world apart, we meet men who can’t leave the grid of streets they know by heart, because they cannot read the signs to find the way home. We meet women who struggle to read their children bedtime stories and residents who must rely on others to read their mail. We meet men and women whose willingness to tackle the real-life issues of literacy inspires a community of others to do the same. Amazing stories from the truly exceptional among us.

As Allison Garren, of the Orange County Literacy Council, says, “The talent and tenacity of these individuals who share their personal stories never cease to amaze me. Through this performance, they not only take on a new personal challenge, they also actively shape our community by offering their unique insights and hard-earned wisdom.”Lynden Harris, Artistic Director of ArtsCenter Stage and Director of Hidden Voices notes, “It requires great courage to take your place on stage in front of an audience. It takes even more courage to do so when it’s your own story you’re sharing. To do both those things in the context of developing a script, when reading itself is a challenge, is an almost unimaginable feat.”

In conjunction with the Orange County Literacy Council and with assistance from Project Literacy,RBFitch and Fearrington Village, The ArtsCenter, the Pittsboro Library, the Central Carolina Community College, and SCALE.







Coming soon!